Threats to sustainability

In this chapter, we’re going to talk about sustainability and the main threats to it. Let’s take a look at some of the big challenges we face on the road ahead.

1. Population growth

One of the biggest challenges we face on the road ahead is population growth. The explosive population growth around the world is presenting a major challenge in finding a sustainable development path.

2. Unsustainability of resource consumption

Wasteful and unsustainable resource consumption is another risk. Waste and misuse of resources puts a strain on the global ecosystem and we are at a critical crossroads to use resources in a sustainable manner.

3. Poverty and polarization

Global poverty and polarization make it difficult to build sustainable societies and can increase social inequality. A sustainable future requires addressing poverty and providing equitable opportunities.

4. Environmental costs are not reflected

The failure to reflect environmental costs in market prices continues to fuel environmental degradation and pollution. This makes sustainable development difficult, so we must continue to ensure that environmental costs are reflected in market prices.

5. Lack of harmony with nature

Lack of harmony with nature is a problem that, along with urbanization, weakens our connection to nature and increases the risk of environmental degradation.

Response strategies:

To overcome these challenges and build a sustainable future, we must all work together to develop effective responses. From the small choices we make to the big policy decisions we make, it’s crucial to develop habits that consider planetary and human sustainability.


These challenges are real, but effective responses to them and working towards a sustainable future depend on our choices. Let’s work to create a sustainable future that involves everyone.


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